Happy Holidays from the Moya Family =)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Michael in the paper again!

Wow! My sister-in-law Julie called me today to tell me for the second week in a row... Michael was in the newspaper! COOL! He placed second in the Northlake Science fair in Feb (his cousin Ben placed first ) =) Michael and Ben are both in this pic.. Michael on the left with his "monkey business" shirt and Ben right smack in the middle with the yellow cars shirt. =)
Here is the link to the photo in the paper


Sunday, March 8, 2009

We are goin to Mexico and Acapulco!

In just 3 more weeks.. we are off to Mexico City and Acapulco. Michael is getting baptized down there in Miguel's Stake Center where he was baptized. Michael gets to get baptized on Sunday April 5th (the day of general conf.. lol) They don't watch general conf. live like here... they watch a recording the next sunday. and then the next day.. april 6th.. we are off to Acapulco! I can't wait to lay on the beach and relax!

Michael was in the Tooele Newspaper! (And the photos I took!)

Mrs. Bird, the reading specialist at Northlake.. asked if any of us had photos from the Read Across America field trip.. I had my memory card on me.. and gave it to her.. She took it over to the Tooele Transcript Newspaper and they took photos off of it.. Here is the article about the event... Michael is on the right.. (Of course.. lol) and under the photo... "ME!.. courtesy of Dawn Moya.. woo hoo!.. ) =)


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

U of U players rockin out with our students at Read Across America =)

Read Across America 3-4-09

Of course...a pic of the U of U champion rings! woo hoo! Go UTAH! =)
Me.. with... Justin Taplin-Ross #33 (I had just told him that my dad was a HUGE BYU fan and so he told me to pose like this with him.. ha ha dad.. woo hoo! )

Michael with all the other students enjoying the show!

Sylvestor #10 Hamming it up and dancing with the students..

WOW! Michael and I went on a very awesome field trip today! It was to Discovery Gateway for "Read Across America" Sponsored by NEA (National Education Association). It was out of this world! The U of U Football team was there and so was Aaron Nigel Smith from "Between the Lions" on PBS. Also.. the lady from Channel 2 news (can't remember her name.. oops ) read to our students! It was a once in a lifetime experience! All the news channels were there recording too.. so when I get their links tonight or tommorow.. I will post them too! So... I have lots of photos and videos... so enjoy!

Michael and his classmates Brenda and Teja with Thing 2 =)
Michael with #23 Mookie Murphy from the U of U Champions!

Taplin-Ross, JustinJustin Taplin-Ross #33 and Michael =)

At the poster for Read Across America

With Hope (From his class =) )

WOW! Michael and I went on a very awesome field trip today! It was to Discovery Gateway for "Read Across America" Sponsored by NEA (National Education Association). It was out of this world! The U of U Football team was there and so was Aaron Nigel Smith from "Between the Lions" on PBS. Also.. the lady from Channel 2 news (can't remember her name.. oops ) read to our students! It was a once in a lifetime experience! All the news channels were there recording too.. so when I get their links tonight or tommorow.. I will post them too! So... I have lots of photos and videos... so enjoy!